Hej Familie!
Jeg vil rejse til Danmark om 12 dage! Det er skør! Jeg føler ikke at jeg har levet her for otte uger allerede! So it was pretty much another amazing week here. Last night we got to hear from Elder Holland and Elder Nelson for the 50th anniversary of the Provo MTC. They talked alot on the history of missionary work, and how they used to train people. Our Branch President told us that when he served in New Zealand (in the 70s sometime) that he flew to temple square, went to the temple, got set apart then flew back home for a week. After that he flew out to his mission, so they do it a little different now. I still can't believe how fast the time is going here, it's kind of scary honestly. I'll be contacting in Denmark in about 12 days, which is awesome to think about. The language is coming pretty well, just learning more and more vocabulary every day, practicing fluency and trying to pronounce everything right.....
President Brown got up before the apostles talked and announced that Romney led by 15 percent in Florida. We definitely weren't expecting to hear about politics at a devotional, but that's awesome, sounds like he's doing pretty good now....
Everyday when I think about where I'm going, it still doesn't settle in my mind. I don't think I'll realize what I'm doing completely until I get up there and start contacting that first day. It's going to be an absolute shock, but I can't wait. Honestly, I can't think of anything I'd rather do right now. Everytime I hear our teachers talk about Denmark, I just get more excited to get up there. I wish we could have looked into it more before I left, but I would promise that we have ancestors up there still.
I just sent a few pictures home to you guys, they should get there today or tomorrow I'd guess. Until I get into the field, that's the only way of getting them to you. I'll just send all the pictures on my card my first P-day up there. Talk to you all next week! Jeg Elsker jer!
-Ældste Swenson
Hey Elder Swenson, You sound great!! I'm glad you are enjoying your time. A mission is a great thing. I reflect on mine often, and I'm never sorry I went. We think of you and love you. <3 Take care!
Aunt Bonnie